Friday, 4 June 2010

Mad Dogs and the Chinese in the Mid-day Sun

My first trip of exploration yesterday and it wasn't as long as they usually are, given that it was a very sticky 92 degrees by 2.30pm. That kind of heat kind of dampens my adventurers spirit, saps energy and makes the casing of the camera burn your hand. However being no sort of namby pamby woos, I lasted for a about 4 hours but have to say the air-conditioned bus ride home was the second best moment of the day. The best was a visit to the Mahayana Buddhist Temple on Canal Street. It has a simple yet imposing facade, guarded by two large lions, but the the splendours of the inside are perhaps missed by those who don´t venture through the ample doors. Once in side there are two shrines, one to Budda, the second to Quan Yin. Local people prayed while the odd tourist walked quietly round. I was politely requested not to use a flash if I wanted to take a picture and happily agree and waited until the more faithful than I had finished praying.

Once out of the temple there were several attempted accostments - "handbag, handbag, you want handbag", "watches, handbags, I take you somewhere nice" (aye aye, my mother told me about this kind of thing, show me some puppies or nick my wallet - and anyway do i look like a handbag sort of girl?

Pressing on to the buisness end of the trip for fish and vegetables, the choice is overwhelming, as is the smell. The salad and vegetables are organised quickly and efficiently, the fish, well.............. Why is it when someone who speaks another language can´t be understood, they think its a good idea to shout very loud, as it's obviously a deafness/stupidity problem rather than a language barrier. Suffice to say the interesting looking fish I decided to buy was being sold by a chinese woman who would have given a 200 watt Marshall amplifier a run for it's money, and having deafened me then actually pushed me towards the till. -Never argue with a fish-wife, my granny whispered in my ear, especially one that might know karate or belong to the Triads.

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