Monday, 31 May 2010

New York here I come

My flight is thankfully unaffected by the BA strike, as Ive just checked-in online,and the dust cloud seems to be out the frame for now.

Had a panic when I realised my bank card was not in my wallet - oh shit! Am I having a senior moment or have I managed to lose the bloody thing on a bank holiday? Where did I use it last? Err......Oh yes, Morrisons, buying my lovely sister English tea bags and Galaxy ripples and my niece Hayfever pills. I phone them and yes I've left it in the card reader at the till. I have to go armed with ID, and it's returned to me, thankfully.

Departing from home at 5.15am tomorrow, I should arrive in New York at around 7.30pm.....but will I? Will the US Customs be less intimidating than last year? Will I get an upgrade? - haha, dream on.

Things to look forward to:
Amanda's Graduation
New York Film festival
LGBT Film Festival
Coney Island Mermaid Parade
Norah Jones Free Concert in Brooklyn
Max's 16th Birthday
Shakespeare in the Park- the Merchant of Venice
Pictures of Women, a history of photography
American Women: fashioning a national identity
Graphic heroes, magic monsters
The Amazing Kiki Smith

I won't have time to go shopping - oh dear, how sad, never mind.
Have a nice day :)